Efter anklager om indtagelse af kokain for åben skærm: Damiano tager narkotest

Foto: EBU

Efter Måneskin i nat kunne juble over sejren i Eurovision 2021, slår anklager om indtagelse af narko for åben skærm nu skår i glæden. Det sker efter at tv-billeder af Damian, der bøjer hovedet over bordet under pointafgivelsen, har fået fans til at spekulere.

I don’t use drugs. Please, guys. Don’t say that really, no cocaine!

Damian David, pressekonference

Derfor har EBU nu udsendt en officiel meddelelse, hvori det fremgår at Italien på det kraftigste afviser anklagerne og at Damiano har valgt at tage en frivillig stoftest for at bevise sin uskyld.


Det oplyses endvidere fra den italienske delegation, at årsagen til at Daminao bøjede sig, var på grund af et smadret glas. EBU bekræfter, at have fundet glasskår på stedet.

We are aware of the speculation surrounding the video clip of the Italian winners of the Eurovision Song Contest in the Green Room last night. The band have strongly refuted the allegations of drug use and the singer in question will take a voluntary drug test after arriving home. This was requested by them last night but could not be immediately organized by the EBU. The band, their management and head of delegation have informed us that no drugs were present in the Green Room and explained that a glass was broken at their table and it was being cleared by the singer. The EBU can confirm broken glass was found after an on site check. We are still looking at footage carefully and will update with further information in due course.